how to prepare avocado sushi rolls ?
To prepare the rolls:
3 strips of sushi paper
1 cup quinoa
1⅓ cup water
½ cup rice vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 ripe avocado, peeled and sliced
½ cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil
3 slices of salami
To prepare the spicy mayonnaise:
2 tablespoons Japanese mayonnaise for sushi
2 teaspoons hot sauce
a little sesame oil
How to prepare
Wash the quinoa with warm water, then put the quinoa and water in a saucepan over a high heat, stirring occasionally, until it boils, then cover the pot and leave the quinoa on a low heat for 12-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the vinegar, sugar and salt over a low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar and salt dissolve, then remove it from the heat and let it cool.
Put the cooked quinoa in a wooden or plastic bowl (do not use metal, so that the vinegar does not react with it). Pour the vinegar mixture over the quinoa, stir, and then let the quinoa cool to room temperature.
We bring sushi paper and spread cold quinoa on each of them, then put 2 or 3 avocado slices at the beginning of the paper, then cut the dried tomatoes and then salami, then start quietly wrapping the sushi paper and closing it tightly. We use a sharp, wet knife to cut the sushi.
Mix Japanese mayonnaise, hot sauce and sesame oil in a small bowl, then sprinkle the mixture over the sushi pieces and serve.