chicken scaloppini ingredients
Colored bell pepper, sliced
½ cup mushrooms
1 sliced white onion (or green onion)
1 cup cooking cream
Salt and black pepper to taste
3 tablespoons of oil
1 tablespoon butter
Chopped parsley for garnish
To season the chicken:
½ kilo chicken strips
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon hot red pepper
1 cup flour
How to prepare
Season the chicken slices with spices, any salt, black and red pepper.
Put the flour in a bowl and immerse the chicken strips in it from both sides.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and stir until it wilts, then add the colored pepper and stir until it wilts.
Add the mushrooms and stir a little, then add the cooking cream, salt and black pepper and let it boil and the sauce becomes thick.
Put the butter in a frying pan and melt it and fry the chicken strips on both sides until they become golden in color.
Place the chicken slices in a serving dish, top with the creamy sauce, and decorate with chopped parsley, so the chicken scallopini is ready to be served.