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Hot chocolate with cacao

Hot chocolat

There is no better than a hot chocolate cup to begin you day

⅓ cup dark chocolate chunks
1 teaspoon cocoa
1 ¼ cup whole milk
whipping cream
sugar to taste
Cinnamon or cocoa for garnish
How to prepare
Put the dark chocolate pieces, cocoa and ¼ cup of the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat and stir.
Leave the chocolate until it melts in the hot milk, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
Then add the rest of the milk and stir the ingredients together until they mix well and foam forms on the surface of the pot, then add the amount of sugar as desired.
After that, we pour the hot mixture into hot chocolate cups and decorate it with delicious whipping cream with a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa and serve hot immediately.

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