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Roast beef with vegetables

Roast beef

Roast beef with vegetables recipe

Roast beef with vegetables is suitable for banquets, its preparation is not troublesome, but cooking it over medium heat and for a long time. Start with it and leave it in the oven until the other dishes are ready.

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb meat (young sheep) preferably leg or shoulder Spices: 3 tablespoons of unsalted tamarind paste mashed with 2 tablespoons of warm water 1 tablespoon of dried black lime powder 3-4 cloves of minced garlic with 2/1 tablespoon of bay leaf spices 4/1 teaspoon of ground cardamom and 2 teaspoons of salt For preparation: 2/1 teaspoon of sugar (optional) 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil 3 medium peeled onions (optional) 2 medium-sized potatoes, cut in half (optional) 3-4 peeled and sliced carrots Steamed mixed vegetables Chopped parsley 3 cups of long-grain rice (basmati) 4 cups of water + 2/1 cup of concentrated meat broth Some partially opened cardamom pods A cinnamon stick .

A pinch of saffron threads or powder soaked in 3 tablespoons of rose water Salt according to taste For decoration: 1 cup of thinly sliced onions 4/1 cup of assorted nuts, boiled and peeled (almonds, cashews) 4/1 cup of raisins 4/1 cup of oil for frying To prepare the sauce: The remaining oil from frying the meat 4/1 cup of chopped onions 4/1 cup of flour 2/1 cup of concentrated meat broth 4-5 cups of water Salt and black or white pepper powder to taste Preparing the roast beef: Remove the excess fat without scratching the thin membrane that covers the meat. Rub the meat with a quarter cup of flour mixed with a teaspoon of salt, then wash it with cold water and dry it well. Pound the garlic with the spice mix and mix with the tamarind paste. Rub the meat with the garlic mixture and set aside for at least an hour. In a large pot, heat the oil and fry the onions until golden brown. Add the meat and brown it on all sides. Add the potatoes, carrots, and steamed vegetables. Add the rice, broth, spices, and saffron, then mix well. Cover the pot and let it cook over medium heat for about 2 hours or until the meat is tender. In a separate pan, fry the sliced onions until crispy, then add the nuts and raisins and fry for a few more minutes. To make the sauce, use the remaining oil from frying the meat and add the chopped onions. Fry until they turn golden brown, then add the flour and stir until it turns golden brown. Gradually add the broth and water, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens. Season with salt and pepper, then serve with the roast beef and vegetables, topped with the fried onions, nuts, and raisins.

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