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Eggplant mozarella


Ingredients: 2 large eggplants Olive oil Grated mozzarella cheese 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil 3 chopped tomatoes 1 chopped hot pepper 1 chopped onion ½ tablespoon of tomato paste 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika Preparation: Cut the eggplants lengthwise into halves without peeling them. Brush them well with olive oil from all sides. Place the eggplant slices in a baking tray. Preheat the oven grill and place the tray in it. Grill the eggplants until they are well cooked. Heat oil in a pan and add the chopped onion. Stir until it becomes translucent, then add the hot pepper and mix well. Add the chopped tomatoes and stir. Then add the salt, black pepper, sweet paprika, and tomato paste. Stir until the sauce thickens. Press the eggplants slightly to create space for the filling. Sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese on the slices, then distribute the sauce over them. Add more mozzarella cheese on top. Return the tray to the oven and turn on the grill only until the cheese melts. The dish is now ready to be served.

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