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Fried eggs with tomatoes and cheese

Egg tomato

Fried eggs with tomatoes and cheese recipe


Three eggs of large size. A quarter cup of shredded mozzarella cheese. pinch of salt. A sprinkle of dry thyme. Pinch of black pepper. 2 tomatoes, medium size, very red, peeled and chopped A teaspoon of tomato paste. A little olive oil for frying. ¼ cup sweet green pepper, finely chopped. A little parsley for garnish. Preparation method, put in a small saucepan the tomatoes, sweet green pepper, tomato paste, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of black pepper; Put the pot on a low heat, leave it for ten minutes, then leave the resulting mixture aside. In another pan, put a little olive oil over a medium heat, break the eggs and put them in the pan. Add the tomato mixture to the eggs and stir a little until the ingredients are distributed, then sprinkle the mozzarella cheese and dry thyme, and leave the pan on a low heat until the eggs are cooked. In a flat serving dish, put the resulting disk and can be cut in the form of triangles, and garnished with parsley or mint leaves.

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