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Italian bruschetta Italian bruschetta

Bigstock italian appetizer bruschetta

Italian bruschetta Italian bruschetta

is an original Italian dish that consists of toasted bread. It usually uses samoon or toasted French baguette, topped with garlic, chopped tomatoes and black olives, or stuffed with mushrooms with garlic and served as a wonderful appetizer dish. Italian Bruschetta Ingredients: Italian or French dry baguette 2 tomatoes 2 garlic cloves 2 tablespoons olive oil for the mixture 3 sweats of basil olive oil for greasing salt/pepper,How to prepare : Cut the baguette bread diagonally, brush it with olive oil on both sides, put it on a tray in the oven, and leave it in the oven at a medium temperature for 2 minutes. Flip it on the other side and return it to the oven for two minutes. Rub a clove of garlic on her face Chop the tomatoes and basil into small pieces, and the garlic is finely chopped In a bowl, put the tomatoes and basil, season with salt, pepper and olives, and leave it for a quarter of an hour to absorb the flavor Brush the surface of the bread with the mixture. On the serving plate, arrange them in an orderly manner and serve cold as a kind of appetizer.

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