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Italian style fried potato balls

Talian style fried potato balls

Italian style fried potato balls recipe


1 kilo medium sized potatoes2 egg yolks + 2 eggs4 tablespoons grated romano or cheddar cheesegrated medium onionbutter spoon2 tablespoons minced parsleysalt - pepperprecise quantitysoft ruskFrying oil + gheeHow to prepare

:1- Wash the potatoes and boil them in boiling water with peels, then add a little salt

.2- Bring a bowl and put the boiled potatoes, egg yolks and grated cheese and mash it well.

3- Bring a frying pan and put a spoonful of butter, then add the chopped onion and stir well until it turns golden

.4- Add the onion to the potato mixture, then add the chopped parsley, salt and pepper, then cut the dough into medium-sized balls

.5- Beat the eggs, season with salt and pepper, put the potato balls in the flour, then dip them in the eggs, then cover them with the breadcrumbs.

6- Fry the potato balls in the boiling oil and butter

.7- Serve it on a serving plate.

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